Python Applications

Python is one of the most used programming languages and it has applications in various domains.

Data Analysis

Applications Library Packages
Math Math, Numpy, Scipy
Data processing Pandas
Database Pyodbc, Mysql-connector-python, mysqldb, pymongo, Peewee
Machine Learning Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels, Sktime, SparkMLlib
Deep Learning TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch
Reinforcement Learning Pyqlearning, KerasRL, Tensorforce, RL_Coach, TFAgents, MAME RL, MushroomRL
Natural Language Processing (NLP) NLTK, Gensim, TextBlob, spaCy
Japanese: Juman++, Mecab, nagisa
Thai: PyThaiNLP, TLTK
Computer Vision OpenCV, Pillow, scikit-image, MoviePy
Visualizations Matplotlib, Seaborn, ggplot, Bokeh, pygal, Plotly, geoplotlib, Gleam, missingno, Leather


Applications Library Packages
Desktop GUI Development Tkinter, PyQt, PyGtk, wxPython
Mobile App Kivy, BeeWare
Game Development Pygame, PyKyra, PyOpenGl, Tkinter
IoT Rpi.GPIO, picamera, mraa, sockets, paho-mqtt


Applications Library Packages
Back-end Django, Pyramids, Flask
Web Scraping Requests, Beautifulsoup, selenium, lxml, scrapy


Applications Library Packages
Automation Os, sys, json, ymal, platform, subprocess, request, selenium
Big Data PySpark, PYDOOP, DASK
Cloud SDK AWS SDK, Azure SDK, Google Cloud SDK


Top programming language by objectives

Objectives Programming Language/ Framework
Font-end web development HTML, CSS, Javascript
Back-end web development Javascript, PHP, Python
Mobile development Swift, Java, Javascript
Desktop development C, C++, C#, Java
Game development C#, C, C++, Unreal Engine, Unity
Data Analysis SQL, Python, R, MATLAB
Embed programming C, C+++, Python
IoT C, Java, Python, Javascript, C++