
Some of my AI, BI and Cloud
Row-level security BI Report Inventory Management Demand Pattern Analysis Sentiment Analysis Sales Memo Text Analysis Supply Chain Management Customer Transaction Analysis Operation Line Report Financial Analysis Report Material Management Report University Management Report
Large Language Model (LLM) Large-scale Sales Forecast improvement Cycle AI PaaS Architecture AI IaaS Architecture AI Kubernetes Deployment Architecture AI at the Edge Face Recognition IoT Object Detection Power BI: Visualiation Library Tableau: Visualiation Library Tableau: NLP Report

※ The provided sample reports have been intentionally simplified for illustrative purposes. However, it's important to note that actual reports are significantly more intricate and offer a wealth of deeper insights.


Row-level security BI report


Enhancing Report Access Control: Implement Row-Level Security (RLS) to finely control report access levels for each user, ensuring data confidentiality and appropriate information dissemination.

Role-Optimized Report Presentation: Tailor the appearance of reports to align with different roles, presenting information in a manner best suited to each user's responsibilities and requirements.

Comprehensive Decision Support: Supply detailed data encompassing sales, material costs, human resources expenses, and other crucial expenditures, catering to decision-making needs across all organizational levels.

Client: Catering and food service company : DX Support Department

Inventory Management


Sales and Inventory Optimization Models: Develop sophisticated predictive models for sales and inventory optimization, leveraging advanced analytics to enhance demand forecasting and streamline inventory management.

Efficiency Through Process Flow Optimization: Drive cost reduction by meticulously optimizing process flows, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing streamlined procedures that maximize operational efficiency.

Strategic Product Mix Identification: Utilize data-driven insights to pinpoint the ideal product mix, achieving a harmonious balance between increased sales and optimized profits, leading to smarter business decisions.

Client: Electronic Machine Manufacturer

Demand Pattern Analysis


Seasonal Pattern Insight for Planning: Gain insights into seasonal patterns to refine production and sales strategies, ensuring optimal utilization of resources throughout the year.

Provide recommended product to optimize profit based on buying behavior and characteristic.

Profit-Driven Product Recommendations: Deliver tailored product recommendations that maximize profits by analyzing buying behaviors and characteristics, guiding customers towards choices that align with their preferences.

Uncover Customer Needs and Opportunities: Deepen your understanding of customer needs, uncovering untapped opportunities through thorough analysis that propels business growth.

Sentiment Analysis across customer journey


Emotion Mapping Across Journeys: Gain insights into customer emotions at each stage of their journey, enabling tailored responses that resonate with their feelings.

Deeper Dissatisfaction Analysis: Delve into dissatisfaction root causes to elevate customer satisfaction significantly, addressing pain points with precision.

Resolving Bottlenecks for Loyalty Boost: Identify and address bottlenecks systematically, delivering solutions that enhance customer loyalty through improved experiences.

Client: Transportation company (Customer service department)

Text Analytics: Sales Memo


Sales Insights for Success Analysis: Empower the sales team by dissecting reasons behind both successful and unsuccessful sales approaches, fostering a data-driven approach to refine their tactics.

Efficiency through Strategy Prioritization: Enhance efficiency by pinpointing priority tasks and devising tailored strategies, ensuring resources are channeled effectively for optimal outcomes.

Segmented Success Pattern Understanding: Unearth success patterns within distinct customer segments, enabling targeted strategies that align with each segment's preferences and needs.

Client: Leading Car Manufacturer (Sales Department)

Supply chain management

Solution: Gauging Supply Chain Efficiency: Assessing the real-time inventory status and service levels across all supply chain tiers to ensure operational visibility and efficiency.

Use case: Operation report for supply chain management of large electric appliance manufacturer.

Customer Transaction Analysis

Solution: Elevating Customer Engagement: By comprehending customer behavior and needs, we can effectively cultivate customer loyalty and proactively retain valued customers, minimizing churn.

Use case: Operational report for Marketing department of a large furniture and home decore retailer.

Operation Line Report

Solution: Real-time Operational Insight: By gaining a deep understanding of live operational statuses, we can proactively avert disruptions, ensuring seamless operations and expediting the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

Use case: Operational report for Business Improvement Department of a large printing electronic products manufacturer.

Financial Analysis Report

Solution: Elevating Financial Management: Enriching financial analysis and management by incorporating root-cause analysis, what-if scenarios, and other advanced techniques to propel financial strategies to new heights.

Use case: Top management and operational report for Business Improvement Department of a large drugs and consumer goods manufacturer.

Material Management Report

Solution: Develop a comprehensive Bill of Materials (BOM) system to streamline material organization, enhance cost control, and optimize inventory management for improved operational efficiency.

Use case: Operational report for Business Improvement Department of a large electric medical appliance manufacturer.

University Management Analytics


Enhancing PDCA Cycle with Evaluation System: Facilitate and expedite the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle through the implementation of a comprehensive faculty and student evaluation system.

Tailored Learning Support: Gain insights into student performance, characteristics, and requirements, enabling the delivery of targeted learning support for optimized educational outcomes.

Dynamic Curriculum Alignment: Deliver a curriculum that remains highly relevant to the evolving job market by comprehending its demands, ensuring graduates are equipped with the most suitable skills.

Client: Leading University in Japan


Larege Language Model in BI Report


Integrated Insights: Merge structured and unstructured data in unified reports to gain comprehensive insights by harnessing the LLM's capacity to process both types effectively.

Conversational Depth: Utilize top-tier chat APIs like OpenAI's to extract profound insights through interactive conversations, leveraging the LLM's language prowess.

Holistic Analysis: Employ the LLM for translation, summarization, classification, and similarity tasks, unveiling fresh perspectives and hidden connections within the data.

Contextual Search Enhancement: Implement the LLM-powered vector database to enable context-aware searches, allowing users to find relevant information even if they don't have the exact keywords, enhancing the accuracy of knowledge retrieval.

Client: Large Electrical Appliance Company (Research team)

Large-scale Sales Forecast improvement Cycle


Comprehensive ML Learning Pipeline: Providing an end-to-end ML training pipeline encompassing ETL, data cleaning, feature engineering, model experiments, evaluation, improvement, and reporting.

Cost-Effective and Secure ML Environment: Offering a secure machine learning development environment designed to be both affordable and safeguarded.

Rapid Enhancement: Embracing an agile approach for quick iteration, enabling rapid improvements based on real-time feedback.

Client: Agriculture equipment & tools manufacturer

PaaS : AI Development Cloud Architecture

Solution: Develop PaaS environment for AI project development that meet security standard, proper authentication managemen and cost control system.
Use case: AI infrastructure for AI development department of a large electric appliance manufacturer.

IaaS : AI Development Cloud Architecture

Solution: Develop IaaS environment for AI project that meet security standard, flexible operation and cost minimization.
Use case: AI infrastructure for AI development department of a large electric appliance manufacturer.

Kubernetes Deployment : AI Development Cloud Architecture

Solution: Kubernetes Deployment environment for AI project that meet security standard, elastic operation and cost minimization.
Use case: AI infrastructure for AI development department of a large electric appliance manufacturer.

AI at the Edge

Solution: Develop AI at the Edge framework.
Use case: AI cloud infrastructure for AI development department in a large electric appliance manufacturer

AI: Face Recognition

Solution: Face Recognition Framework
Research Project

IoT: Object Detection

Solution: Develop object detection model(CNN, ResNet, MobileNet,...)
Research Project


Power BI: Visualiation Library

My knowledge sharing for community

Tableau: Visualiation Library

My knowledge sharing for community

Tableau: Natural Language Processing(NLP)

Solution: Apply NLP to extract unstructured data and identify opportunity from Service quantity KPI report.