Collection of my codeTutorials like SQL, Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, ...
SQL (Structured Query Language): Language used to acess, create, edit and managege database. CODE |
Python for DatabaseMSSQLServer_pyodbcMySQL_mysql-connector-python |
MongoDB: A document database with the scalability and flexibility. CODE pymongo |
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Language used to design display content in a web browser. CODE |
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): design language used to control sytle of content in a web browser. CODE |
JS (Javascript): Scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content. CODE |
Pysaprk: Python API for Spark (distributed framework) that can handle Big Data analysis. IN PROGRESS |
System Utility - Commands, Cloud Connection LINK Core python - Handle main python datatype LINK |
Numpy - Fundamental package to handle arrays with scidentific computing. LINK Pandas - Powerful and flexible data analysis and manipulation package. LINK |
Scikit-learn - The most robust machine learning package. LINK (To be updated) |
TensorFlow - Machine Learning and Deep Learning package with many extended packages. LINK (To be updated) |
Beautiful Soup 4, Selenium, Requests, lxml, Scrapy LINK |